3 Core Strategies
Core Strategy 1
Promotion, community education and early intervention for our people and communities to strengthen mental health and wellbeing, prevent mental illness, raise awareness and reduce stigma.
Core Strategy 2
Services and care which provide quality and seamless support aligned to needs.
> Strategic Direction 3
> Strategic Direction 4
> Strategic Direction 5
Core Strategy 3
Strong leadership, governance and improved outcomes.
7 Strategic Directions
Strategic Direction 1:
Strengthen mental health and wellbeing and prevent mental illness through high impact promotion, prevention and early-in-life intervention strategies.
Strategic Direction 4:
Provide quality supports and services that are easily accessible and meet individual, family and carer needs.
Strategic Direction 6:
Improve governance of services which support mental health and wellbeing to ensure person-centred, recovery-focused and outcomes-oriented approaches.
Strategic Direction 7:
Measure, monitor and communicate progress toward improvements in mental health and wellbeing outcomes.