Good mental health literacy is about having the knowledge, understanding and skills to promote mental health and reduce the impact of mental illness.
The SA Mental Health Commission continues to improve mental health literacy and discussion on mental health and wellbeing in the community through promotions in traditional media and on social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube), as well as via e-newsletters to our dedicated subscribers and regular website bloggers.
We do this by:
- Promoting our work and mental wellbeing resources.
- Sharing accurate and positive messages and stories about mental health and wellbeing.
- Removing stigma and normalise conversations about mental health and wellbeing in the community, workplace and around the dinner table.
- Putting the spotlight on mental health and wellbeing in the community, workplace and in sport.
- Explaining that good mental health starts with strong, inclusive communities and early intervention, promotion and prevention rather than acute care and emergency departments.
SA Mental Health Commissioner Burns’ opinion pieces in The Advertiser attract large online audiences and help to break down stigma. Stigma can prevent people from seeking the help they need.

Links to the SA Mental Health Strategic Plan 2017–2022:
Strategic Direction 2:
Community education to improve awareness and reduce stigma.
For further information: