The SA Mental Health Commission represents South Australia on state, national and international forums and platforms in the mental health and wellbeing space.
The Commission influences state and national policy and strategy and planning for mental health and wellbeing.
- The SAMHC hosts a quarterly council with CEO participants from human services government agencies, Primary Health Networks, LGA, the Mental Health Coalition of SA, Business SA and statutory officers.
- The Commissioner participates in regular national meetings of all state and national mental health commissions.
- The Executive Director attends biannual 2ICs Commissions meetings.
- The Commissioner attends biannual Commissioners meetings (Australia and NZ).
- The Commissioner is a participant on the Premier’s Council on Suicide Prevention and actively engages in the current conversation nationally around suicide prevention
- The SAMHC meets monthly with Adelaide and Country SA Primary Health Networks
- Work with state and national veterans’ organisations.
- Partnership projects such as SMS4dadsSA, Australian Mental Health Leaders Program, Workplace mental health and wellbeing have arisen out of meetings where connections are made and maintained.
Our Partners:
- Premier’s Advocate for Suicide Prevention
- Adelaide Primary Health Network
- State and National Mental Health Commissions
- Mentally Healthy Workplace Alliance
Links to the SA Mental Health Strategic Plan 2017–2022:
Strategic Direction 6:
Improve governance of services which support mental health and wellbeing to ensure person-centred, recovery-focused and outcomes-oriented approaches.
For further information: