The SA Mental Health Commission supports the use of data to drive innovative solutions as well as better data analysis to improve planning, governance and delivery of mental health care.
We promote innovative ways to streamline, align and improve governance as well as the provision of improved mental health and wellbeing outcomes for the community.
During conversations to guide the development of our State’s Mental Health Strategic Plan, South Australians told us it would be helpful if data collections and performance indicators were applicable to all services, collected meaningful and useful information, and connected the person’s journey between as well as within services.
There were also calls from people with lived experience and their families, and service providers, for a shared data tool, both between government sectors and between government and NGOs.
The Commission is supporting the Mental Health Registry Integrating MyHealth Records which uses the AI-Squared (AI2) application to improve coordination and care for consumers experiencing mental ill-health by ensuring better integration between primary and secondary care.
This project clearly aligns with the Commission’s stated core strategies to provide integrated services that work better together and provide the right support and easily accessible services for our diverse community.
The AI2 data project aims to reduce the number of acute mental health episodes and hospital presentations through its prevention-focused model based on already available data to pro-actively intercede and enable early intervention in the community.
SAMHC worked to assist Flinders University to be successful in gaining grant money to progress this project and continues to facilitate the collaboration of key stakeholders and providing available resources to support the project’s success.
Links to the SA Mental Health Strategic Plan 2017–2022:
Strategic Direction 3:
Provide integrated services that work better together.
Strategic Direction 5:
Provide the right support for our diverse communities.
Strategic Direction 7:
Measure, monitor and communicate progress toward improvements in mental health and wellbeing outcomes.
For further information: